With the current COVID-19 pandemic situation everyone trying to protect themselves, their homes and businesses from potential contamination try to protect themselves from the virus. This coronavirus is quickly spread in surfaces and it can survive on surfaces for up to 17 days.

Life time of the coronavirus depends on the surface and the one who gets infected by the virus don’t show symptoms until approximately two weeks after infection, making it difficult to track and contain.
This is the reason why you need to have a trusted professional disease and biohazard remedy cleaning & disinfecting company on your side. In this article let’s talk furthermore about the importance of professional cleaning and disinfecting services.
What is the difference between Commercial Cleaning & Disinfecting Services?
When it comes to commercial cleaning, it is an all-encompassing term, which can be use to describe varying types of cleaning and sanitation activities. Cleaning is the process of removing visible debris, dirt, and dust and organizing a space using soap or detergent and water to remove soil and germs through chemical cleaner, scrubbing, and thermal actions.
In the sanitation activities they sanitize the surfaces to reduce the number of germs. So commercial cleaning includes this cleaning and sanitizing activates. In the process of commercial disinfecting they are disinfecting the surface to kills microscopic organisms like germs, viruses, fungi and prevent them from spreading.
Disinfection is much stronger than cleaning and sanitizing because it eliminating upward of 99.99% of germs after treatment.
Why Commercial Cleaning & Disinfecting Services are Important During Coronavirus?
World health organization (WHO) has informed everyone that, people need to clean not only their hands with soap or sanitizer, but also the surfaces. Coronavirus may spread in various ways, such as by coughing, sneezing, direct skin-to-skin contact, and by touching an object or surface with germs on it. To prevent this pandemic all of us need to clean the surfaces very well to kill the coronavirus 100% from the surface. For that we need to have professional Commercial Cleaning & Disinfecting Services.
Special COVID-19 disinfection companies have started doing their work during this time pandemic. The virus that causes COVID-19 could last hours or up to several days on some common surfaces. So no matter how much social distance you are maintaining during the novel coronavirus outbreak, still one of your family members can bring germs in to your house.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends daily cleaning and disinfection of “frequently touched surfaces is a must to prevent this pandemic. That’s why you exactly need a professional disinfecting service to kick up your overall germ-killing game.